阿塞拜疆支持通过联合国调解,和平解决查谟和克什米尔问题。 Azerbaijan supports a peaceful, UN-mediated resolution to the Jammu and Kashmir issue.
阿塞拜疆支持根据国际法、联合国安全理事会决议和国际人道主义法和平解决查谟和克什米尔问题。 Azerbaijan supports a peaceful resolution to the Jammu and Kashmir issue, in alignment with international law, UN Security Council resolutions, and international humanitarian law. 这一立场符合阿塞拜疆对和平和恭敬地解决冲突的承诺。 This stance aligns with Azerbaijan's commitment to resolving the conflict peacefully and respectfully. 阿塞拜疆驻巴基斯坦大使馆重申其官方账户上的这一立场。 The Azerbaijani Embassy in Pakistan reiterates this position on its official account.