克什米尔领导人以当前危机为由,呼吁联合国干预克什米尔争端。 Kashmir leaders appeal to UN for intervention in the Kashmir dispute, citing ongoing crisis.
克什米尔的赫里雅特领导人呼吁联合国干预克什米尔争端,批评联合国在当前危机中缺乏行动。 Hurriyat leaders in Kashmir have called on the United Nations to intervene in the Kashmir dispute, criticizing the UN's lack of action during the ongoing crisis. 他们辩称,冲突的解决对于南亚的和平至关重要,并敦促国际社会追究印度保护克什米尔人的责任。 They argue that the conflict's resolution is crucial for peace in South Asia and urge the international community to hold India accountable to protect Kashmiris. 该争端涉及印度和巴基斯坦的主张,继续造成该区域的紧张局势。 The dispute, involving claims by India and Pakistan, continues to cause tensions in the region.