多伦多警官被控与1月份事件有关的严重攻击行为,导致一名男子在警察拘留期间受重伤,由SIU进行调查。 Toronto police officer charged with aggravated assault in connection with January incident leading to serious injury of a man in police custody, investigation by SIU.
多伦多警官,Cst。 Toronto police officer, Cst. Christopher Merritt被控与1月份事件有关的严重攻击行为,该事件涉及48岁男子在警察拘留期间受到严重伤害。 Christopher Merritt, charged with aggravated assault by SIU in connection with January incident where 48-year-old man sustained serious injury in police custody. 9月5日出庭 Appearing in court on September 5th. SIU是一个独立的政府机构,负责调查警察在涉及严重伤害、死亡、性攻击或枪械放行的案件中可能的不当行为。 SIU, an independent government agency, investigates potential police misconduct in cases involving serious injury, death, sexual assault, or firearm discharge. 由于正在进行的法庭诉讼,进一步的细节被搁置。 Further details withheld due to ongoing court proceedings.