SIU调查OPP警官在休伦县使用防暴武器对付持刀人的情况。 SIU investigates OPP officer's use of anti-riot weapon on knife-wielding man in Huron County.
特别调查股正在安大略休伦县调查一起事件,安大略省警察局的一名警官用防暴武器对付一名据信是持刀而身陷险境的人。 The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) is investigating an incident in Huron County, Ontario, where an Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officer used an anti-riot weapon on a man believed to be in distress with a knife. 这名26岁的男子中了两枪,但没有受重伤,根据《精神卫生法》被送往医院。 The 26-year-old man was shot twice but not seriously injured and was taken to the hospital under the Mental Health Act. 独立调查股目前正在寻求任何资料或录像,以协助正在进行的调查。 The SIU is now seeking any information or footage that could assist in the ongoing investigation.