SIU 澄清加拿大仙境附近男孩被警察追捕致死一案。 SIU clears cop in death of boy pursued by police near Canada's Wonderland.
特别调查组 (SIU) 已确定,10 月份在加拿大仙境发生的涉及一名 14 岁男孩的致命碰撞事故,安大略省的一名警官不负有责任。 The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) has determined that a police officer in Ontario was not responsible for a fatal collision involving a 14-year-old boy at Canada's Wonderland in October. 警官最初追捕了这名男孩,但 SIU 发现追捕没有充分的理由,因为男孩的行为与警官的描述不符。 The officer had initially pursued the boy, but the SIU found that there was no adequate justification for the pursuit, as the boy's behavior did not match the officer's description. SIU 还得出结论,一名多伦多警官不会因追捕一名电动自行车骑手而面临刑事指控,该骑手后来卷入一场碰撞事故,导致多处骨折。 The SIU also concluded that a Toronto police officer will not face criminal charges for pursuing an e-bike rider who was later involved in a collision that left him with multiple fractures. SIU 主任承认该警官的行为不属于刑法规定的注意范围,但指出骑手本可以选择更安全的路线。 The SIU director acknowledged the officer's conduct was not within the limits of care prescribed by the criminal law but noted that the rider could have chosen a safer route.