安大略的SIU调查了一起警察枪击案 一名男子在渥太华袭击了多人 Ontario's SIU investigates a police shooting after a man assaulted multiple people in Ottawa.
安大略特别调查股正在调查在渥太华东端发生的一起警察枪击事件,当时一名33岁的男子据称袭击多人和损坏车辆。 Ontario's Special Investigations Unit (SIU) is investigating a police shooting in Ottawa's east end after a 33-year-old man allegedly assaulted multiple people and damaged vehicles. 警方与嫌疑人对质,一名警察朝他开了多枪;他被送往医院,伤势严重,但情况稳定。 Police confronted the suspect, and an officer shot him multiple times; he was taken to the hospital in critical but stable condition. 4名平民也受伤,但处于无生命威胁状态。 Four civilians were also injured but are in non-life-threatening condition. SIU为该案指派了七名调查员。 The SIU has assigned seven investigators to the case.