菲律宾农业部敦促在八打雁省紧急采购非洲猪瘟疫苗。 The Philippines' Department of Agriculture urges emergency procurement of African swine fever vaccines in Batangas province.
菲律宾农业部(DA)寻求紧急采购非洲猪瘟(ASF)疫苗,敦促八打雁省受影响的城市宣布进入紧急状态,以便迅速做出反应并为其提供疫苗资金。 Philippines' Department of Agriculture (DA) seeks emergency procurement of African swine fever (ASF) vaccines, urging affected municipalities in Batangas province to declare a state of emergency for swift response and vaccine funding. DA估计需要10,000剂疫苗,与当地官员合作限制行动和检查站,以防止非洲猪瘟传播。 DA estimates needing 10,000 vaccine doses, collaborating with local officials for movement restrictions and checkpoints to prevent ASF spread.