尽管入学人数增加了10%,但Goulburn Ovens TAFE计划削减60多名支助人员。 Goulburn Ovens TAFE plans to cut over 60 support staff roles despite a 10% increase in enrolments.
Goulburn Ovens TAFE计划削减60多名支助人员,尽管其主要校园的入学率增加了10%。 Goulburn Ovens TAFE plans to cut over 60 support staff roles despite a 10% increase in enrolments at its main campuses. 国家高等教育联盟(NTEU)报告说,结构调整可能影响到117个角色,包括调动和职务变动。 The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) reports that the restructuring could impact 117 roles, including redeployments and job changes. 该工会维多利亚分会秘书Sarah Roberts警告说,这些失业可能会给维多利亚北部带来严重的经济和教育后果。 The union's Victorian branch secretary, Sarah Roberts, warns that these job losses could have significant economic and educational consequences for northern Victoria. 该工会声称,教师将无法管理30%的削减以支持员工角色。 The union claims that teachers will not be able to manage a 30% cut to support staff roles. 尽管维多利亚州政府自上台以来在区域性TAFE上投资了超过20亿澳元,但工会仍在敦促政府进行干预并挽救这些工作岗位。 Despite the Victorian government investing over $2 billion in regional TAFEs since coming to power, the union is urging the government to intervene and save these jobs.