新西兰首席监察员批评St Peter学院和Cashmere高中董事会不顾调查结果拒绝道歉或改进记录保存工作。 New Zealand's Chief Ombudsman criticised St Peter's College and Cashmere High School boards for refusing to apologise or improve record-keeping despite his findings.
新西兰首席监察员Peter Boshier批评奥克兰圣彼得学院董事会和克赖斯特彻奇的Kashmere高中董事会拒绝向学生道歉, New Zealand's Chief Ombudsman, Peter Boshier, has criticized the boards of St Peter's College in Auckland and Cashmere High School in Christchurch for refusing to apologise to students despite his findings of fault. Boshier调查了两所学校儿童家长的投诉,发现董事会没有适当记录其决策过程。 Boshier investigated complaints from parents of children at both schools and found the boards had not properly recorded their decision-making processes. 他建议道歉,改进记录保存程序,但董事会拒绝了。 He recommended apologies and improved record-keeping procedures, but the boards refused. Boshier强调学校透明度、记录保存和公平决策的重要性,并指出,如果政府组织不采纳他的建议,他可以向议会或总理提出更多的申诉。 Boshier emphasized the importance of transparency, record-keeping, and fair decision-making in schools and stated that he could escalate complaints to Parliament or the Prime Minister if government organisations do not follow his recommendations.