18岁因暴力骚乱、袭击一名警官和在北洛奇公园发生冲突后持有毒品而在达林顿被捕。 18-year-old arrested in Darlington for violent disorder, assaulting a police officer, and drug possession after clashes in North Lodge Park.
18 岁的男子在达灵顿被捕,罪名是暴力骚乱、袭击警察和持有毒品,在两个大型团体在北洛奇公园的一个晚上发生冲突时向警察投掷砖头后。 18-year-old arrested in Darlington for violent disorder, assaulting a police officer, and drug possession after bricks were thrown at officers during a night of clashes in North Lodge Park between two large groups. 达勒姆警察局已授权加强拦截和搜查权力以及移除面罩的命令。 Durham Constabulary has authorized enhanced stop and search powers and face covering removal orders. 部队不会容忍暴力混乱,并敦促公众报告任何信息。 The force will not tolerate violent disorder and urges the public to report any information. 普利茅斯和伯明翰也发生了暴力事件。 Violence also occurred in Plymouth and Birmingham.