在新南威尔士州Cononamble,13岁男孩被控开枪;没有关于受伤的报告。 13-year-old boy charged for discharging firearm in Coonamble, NSW; no injuries reported.
十三岁男孩在新南威尔士州库南布尔被指控在争议期间使用枪支; 没有受伤报告. 13-year-old boy charged for discharging firearm in Coonamble, NSW on Aug 3 during a dispute; no injuries reported. 最初因违反保释规定而被捕的青少年,后来被控发射可能伤害人身或财产的火器。 Teen initially arrested for breach of bail, later charged with firing firearm likely to injure persons or property. 警方在搜查一个无关地点时,发现一支改装的步枪、胶胶喷雾器、复制的Glock和其他物品。 Police found a modified rifle, gel blaster, replica Glock, and other items during a search at an unrelated location. 男孩在8月20日 被安排到儿童法庭出庭 Boy set to appear in Children's court on Aug 20.