与犯罪集团有关联的 17 岁少年因非法持有短筒猎枪而被捕;拒绝保释。 17-year-old linked to crime groups, arrested for unlawful possession of a sawn-off shotgun; denied bail.
一名 17 岁男孩因与两起谋杀案有关的仇恨犯罪集团而被捕并被指控非法持有短筒猎枪。 17-year-old boy, associated with feuding crime groups linked to two murders, arrested and charged with unlawful possession of a sawn-off shotgun. 在都柏林儿童法庭,保释被拒绝,警方表示这把猎枪不是用来打猎的,持有它是为了“严重伤害或杀害他人”。 Denied bail at Dublin Children's Court, where a garda stated the shotgun was not for hunting, and its possession is for "seriously harming or killing someone." 这名青少年之前没有犯罪记录。 The teenager has no previous convictions.