巴基斯坦驻达卡高级专员确保巴基斯坦公民在孟加拉国抗议期间的安全,建议学生避免抗议,并监测情况。 Pakistan High Commissioner in Dhaka assures safety of Pakistani citizens amidst Bangladesh protests, advising students to avoid them and monitoring the situation.
巴基斯坦驻达卡高级专员赛义德·艾哈迈德·马鲁夫(Syed Ahmed Maroof)保证巴基斯坦公民在孟加拉国持续抗议期间的安全。 Pakistan High Commissioner in Dhaka, Syed Ahmed Maroof, assures safety of Pakistani citizens amidst ongoing protests in Bangladesh. 高级专员公署一直与学生保持联系,建议他们避免抗议活动,三分之一的学生已经返回巴基斯坦。 High Commission is in constant contact with students, advises them to avoid protests, and one-third of students have already returned to Pakistan. 高级委员会正在密切监测局势,并将采取必要措施,确保孟加拉国境内巴基斯坦社区的安全。 The High Commission is closely monitoring the situation and will take necessary measures to ensure the safety of the Pakistani community in Bangladesh.