爱尔兰母亲Mandy Kelly在埃及法庭上赢得被绑架儿子的监护权;父亲报告失踪。 Irish mother Mandy Kelly wins custody of abducted sons in Egyptian courts; father reported missing.
爱尔兰母亲Mandy Kelly在埃及法庭上赢得被绑架儿子的监护权;她的前夫是埃及国民,她于2022年带走了孩子。 Irish mother Mandy Kelly wins custody of her abducted sons in Egyptian courts; her ex-husband, an Egyptian national, had taken their kids in 2022. 埃及政府现在需要找到这些儿童及其父亲,据报告,他们是在法院命令之后失踪的。 The Egyptian government now needs to locate the children and their father, who reportedly went missing after the court order. Mandy Kelly已经两年多没见过孩子了, 爱尔兰和埃及当局正在合作寻找孩子。 Mandy Kelly has not seen her children for over two years, and Irish and Egyptian authorities are working together to find the kids.