55岁的Astrid Schiller在9月25日第二次被捕后,因绑架她的三个孩子而两次被捕,这三个孩子现在在安大略接受照料并与家人团聚。 55-year-old Astrid Schiller was arrested twice for abducting her three children, who are now in care and being reunited with their family in Ontario, following her second arrest on September 25.
55岁的Astrid Schiller在萨斯喀彻温被捕,据称她绑架了她三个儿子,据报她的儿子于2023年12月在安大略失踪。 Astrid Schiller, 55, was arrested in Saskatchewan after allegedly abducting her three sons, reported missing from Ontario in December 2023. 2024年6月,在Boissevain入境港,最初发现这些儿童没有受伤,但Schiller因签发逮捕证而获释。 The children were initially found unharmed at the Boissevain Port of Entry in June 2024, but Schiller was released due to a warrant issue. 第二次搜查后,她于9月25日再次被捕。 Following a second search, she was re-arrested on September 25. 这些儿童现在受到照料,在安大略省与家人团聚,而Schiller仍然被拘押。 The children are now in care and being reunited with their family in Ontario, while Schiller remains in custody.