来自得克萨斯州泰勒的两名失踪幼童 在安珀警报发布后被发现安全 Two missing toddlers from Tyler, Texas, were found safe after an Amber Alert was issued.
来自得克萨斯州泰勒的两名失踪幼儿、三岁的桑福德传奇和四岁的Kannon O'Neal星期五下午被发现安全。 Two missing toddlers, 3-year-old Legend Sanford and 4-year-old Kannon O'Neal, from Tyler, Texas, were found safe on Friday afternoon. 星期四晚上,孩子们从公寓楼里失踪,在进入一辆汽车的监控录像上看到他们。 The children went missing from their apartment complex on Thursday night and were seen on surveillance footage getting into a vehicle. 已经发出安珀警报 男孩们根据线索被找到 在当地住所被发现没有受伤 An Amber Alert was issued, and the boys were located based on a tip, found unharmed at a local residence. 对他们的失踪的调查仍在继续。 The investigation into their disappearance continues.