俄克拉荷马州立法者Jim Olsen提议对学校的体罚问题进行一项临时研究。 Oklahoma lawmaker Jim Olsen proposes an interim study on corporal punishment in schools.
俄克拉荷马州立法者Jim Olsen提议对学校体罚的有效性进行一项临时研究,旨在保留选择体罚的学区的选择。 Oklahoma lawmaker Jim Olsen proposes an interim study on the effectiveness of corporal punishment in schools, aiming to preserve the option for school districts that choose it. 俄克拉荷马儿童倡导研究所反对这项研究,认为体罚是无效和危险的。 The study is opposed by the Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy, which argues corporal punishment is ineffective and risky. 超过一半的俄克拉荷马地区不允许体罚, 137个地区仍使用体罚, 60个地区允许残疾学生使用体罚。 While over half of Oklahoma districts don't allow it, 137 still use corporal punishment, and 60 allow it for students with disabilities.