蒙大拿州立法机关批准200万元计划, 援助经济适用住房, Montana's legislature approves $200M program to aid affordable housing, with $50M for down payments.
蒙大拿的立法机关已经批准了一个2亿美元的方案,用于增加负担得起的住房,其中5 000万美元专用于帮助中低收入家庭支付家庭首付。 Montana's legislature has approved a $200 million program to boost affordable housing, with $50 million dedicated to helping lower- and middle-income families with home down payments. 该方案从2023年开始,将利用社区再投资组织向符合条件的家庭提供最多30%的购买价,占中位收入的60%至140%。 The program, starting in 2023, will use community reinvestment organizations to provide up to 30% of the purchase price for eligible families making 60% to 140% of the median income. 房屋将受地契限制,以防止今后价格暴涨。 The homes will be deed-restricted to prevent future price hikes.