流行病学家蒂姆·斯佩克特教授认为, 橄油消费降低了心血管疾病,二型糖尿病和癌症的风险, Epidemiologist Prof. Tim Spector suggests olive oil consumption lowers risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer, backed by studies and the prediMed study with 7,000 Spaniards.
Zoe Health App的创始人Tim Spector教授表示, 定期消费额外的处方橄榄油可以降低心血管疾病、2型糖尿病和癌症的风险。 Epidemiologist Prof. Tim Spector, founder of the Zoe Health app, suggests that consuming extra virgin olive oil regularly could lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. 研究表明,经常食用橄榄油的人的心脏病、中风和癌症发病率要低得多。 Studies have shown that people who regularly consume olive oil have significantly lower rates of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. 这项先期研究涉及7 000名西班牙人,发现橄榄油类中的心脏病、中风和乳腺癌大幅减少。 The predimed study, involving 7,000 Spaniards, found significant reductions in heart disease, strokes, and breast cancer in the olive oil group.