中国将科技预算增加10%用于财政和税收改革。 China increases science and technology budget by 10% for fiscal and taxation reforms.
中国计划加强财政和税收政策,促进科技创新、工业升级和新的增长势头。 China plans to strengthen fiscal and taxation policies to boost scientific and technological innovation, industrial upgrades, and new growth momentum. 财政部副部长王东伟宣布科技支出逐年增加10%,今年预算拨款3708亿元(513亿元)。 Vice-Minister of Finance, Wang Dongwei, announced a 10% year-on-year increase in science and technology expenditure, with 370.8 billion yuan ($51.3 billion) allocated in this year's budget. 中国注重基础研究和重大国家科技项目投资,也致力于加强工业的复原力和安全,促进中小企业的数字化转型。 Focusing on investing in basic research and major national science and technology projects, China also aims to enhance the industry's resilience and security, and promote the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises.