2022年苏格兰人口普查显示,单人家庭增加了13.0%,主要原因是老年人口和非联合王国出生。 2022 Scottish census shows 13.0% increase in single-person households, mainly due to older population and non-UK births.
2022年苏格兰人口普查显示,单人家庭增加了13.0%,这主要是由于老年人口增加。 2022 Scottish census reveals a 13.0% increase in single-person households, largely due to a rise in older population. 自2011年以来,苏格兰的144,400人增长,主要来自非联合王国出生的婴儿(波兰、印度、巴基斯坦)。 144,400 people grew in Scotland since 2011, mainly from non-UK births (Poland, India, Pakistan). 单亲家庭的数量减少了6.8%。 The number of lone-parent households decreased by 6.8%. 近一半的外国出生居民在联合王国居住了十多年。 Nearly half of foreign-born residents have lived in the UK for over a decade.