加拿大为根据国家造船战略执行渔业执法和搜索救援任务的2艘受冰川启发的北极海岸警卫舰Donjek Glacier和Sermilik Glacier命名。 Canada names 2 Arctic glacier-inspired coast guard vessels, Donjek Glacier & Sermilik Glacier, for fisheries enforcement & search-rescue missions, under national shipbuilding strategy.
加拿大正在提名两艘受北极冰川启发的未来海岸警卫舰:CCCGS Donjek冰川和CCCGS Sermilik冰川。 Canada is naming two future coast guard vessels Arctic glacier-inspired: CCGS Donjek Glacier & CCGS Sermilik Glacier. 两艘支持渔业执法和监视的船只都是加拿大国家造船战略的一部分。 Both vessels, which support fisheries enforcement & surveillance, are part of Canada's national shipbuilding strategy. 他们将能够协助执行搜索和救援任务和开展冰破行动,加强该国在北极的存在。 They will be able to assist in search-and-rescue missions and icebreaking operations, enhancing the country's Arctic presence. 加拿大政府还考虑购买最多12艘水底潜艇以取代老潜艇,并正在与德国和挪威就北大西洋和北极安全条约进行谈判。 The Canadian government also considers purchasing up to 12 under-ice submarines to replace aging ones and is in talks with Germany & Norway for a North Atlantic and Arctic security pact.