西南航空采用指定座位和高级座位来获得更好的客户体验和财务业绩。 Southwest Airlines adopts assigned seating and premium seats for better customer experience and financial performance.
西南航空自五十多年前成立以来就以开放座位政策而闻名,但现在它正在改变其做法。 Southwest Airlines, known for its open seating policy since its founding over 50 years ago, is changing its approach. 该航空公司正在转向指定座位模式,并推出价格更高的高级座位。 The airline is moving to an assigned seating model and introducing premium seats at a higher price. 该公司表示,80% 的客户和 86% 的潜在客户更喜欢指定座位。 The company states that 80% of its customers, and 86% of potential customers, prefer assigned seats. 这一变化旨在改善客户体验和财务业绩。 This change aims to improve customer experience and financial performance.