佛罗伦萨谋杀案嫌疑人马修·巴里在一次逮捕令执行过程中与警察发生枪战并被击毙。 Florence murder suspect Matthew Barry was killed in a gunfight with officers during an attempted arrest warrant service.
佛罗伦萨谋杀案嫌疑人马修·巴里在其公寓内进行枪战时被警察击毙;当局正试图对巴里发出逮捕令,他因最近发生的一起凶杀案而被通缉。 Florence murder suspect Matthew Barry was killed by officers during a gunfight while barricaded inside his apartment; authorities were attempting to serve arrest warrants on Barry, who was wanted for a recent homicide. 该事件是南卡罗来纳州今年发生的第 27 起警察枪击事件,也是佛罗伦萨警察局首次发生的警察枪击事件。 The incident marked South Carolina's 27th officer-involved shooting this year and the first for the Florence Police Department. 交火过程中没有警员受伤。 No officers were injured during the exchange.