7 月 17 日,俄勒冈州东部的杜尔基大火因雷击引发,燃烧面积达 268,000 英亩,是美国史上最大的山火,目前尚未得到控制,并对附近社区造成威胁。 268,000-acre Durkee Fire in eastern Oregon, ignited by lightning on July 17, is the largest US wildfire, uncontained and threatening nearby communities.
俄勒冈州东部的德基大火是目前美国最大的山火,过火面积超过俄勒冈州和爱达荷州边境的 268,000 英亩。 The Durkee Fire in eastern Oregon is currently the largest wildfire in the US, covering over 268,000 acres near the Oregon-Idaho border. 7 月 17 日,火势被闪电点燃,强风和极端天气条件加剧了火势的蔓延。 Ignited by lightning on July 17, strong winds and extreme weather conditions have fueled the fire's growth. 目前,美国各地有近 80 处大型野火在燃烧,其中杜尔基大火的控制程度仍为 0%,并对附近社区构成威胁。 Nearly 80 large active wildfires are currently burning across the US, with the Durkee Fire remaining 0% contained and threatening nearby communities.