经检测,43%的美国可可产品重金属含量超出安全限量,对儿童和孕妇构成风险。 43% of tested US cocoa products exceeded safe heavy metal limits, posing risks to children and pregnant women.
美国的一项研究检测发现,43%的可可产品含有高浓度的危险重金属,超出安全限度。 43% of cocoa products tested in a US study contained high levels of dangerous heavy metals, exceeding safe limits. 乔治华盛顿大学的研究人员在八年的时间里对 72 种消费性可可产品(包括黑巧克力)进行了测试,以检测其是否受到铅、镉和砷的污染,这些物质对健康构成了严重危害。 Researchers at The George Washington University tested 72 consumer cocoa products, including dark chocolate, over an eight-year period for contamination with lead, cadmium, and arsenic, which pose significant health hazards. 这引起了人们对儿童和孕妇的担忧,因为他们特别容易受到有毒重金属带来的健康风险的影响。 This raises concerns for children and pregnant women who are particularly vulnerable to the health risks posed by toxic heavy metals.