4 个州的 8 人在食用 Diamond Shruumz 品牌微量巧克力棒后生病,出现癫痫、意识丧失和心率异常等症状;FDA 建议不要食用。 8 people in 4 states fell ill after consuming Diamond Shruumz-brand Microdosing Chocolate Bars, linked to seizures, loss of consciousness, and abnormal heart rates; FDA advises against consumption.
4 个州的 8 人在食用 Diamond Shruumz 品牌微量巧克力棒后病倒,症状包括癫痫、失去意识和心率异常。 8 people in 4 states fell ill after consuming Diamond Shruumz-brand Microdosing Chocolate Bars, linked to seizures, loss of consciousness, and abnormal heart rates. FDA 建议不要食用、销售或食用这些巧克力,因为其中含有蘑菇,但致病原因尚不明确。 FDA advises against consuming, selling, or serving the chocolates, which contain mushrooms but have an unknown cause of illness. FDA、CDC 以及州和地方官员正在进行调查。 An ongoing investigation by the FDA, CDC, and state & local officials is ongoing.