奇科上比德威尔公园附近发生 1,500 英亩的火灾,迫使人们撤离;疏散区域内有 761 座建筑物。 1,500-acre Park Fire near Chico's Upper Bidwell Park prompts evacuations; 761 structures in evacuation area.
奇科上比德韦尔公园附近爆发了一场被称为“公园大火”的野火,导致比尤特县警长办公室下达了疏散命令。 A wildfire, known as the Park Fire, broke out near Chico's Upper Bidwell Park, leading to evacuation orders from the Butte County Sheriff's Office. 大火目前已烧毁 1,500 英亩土地,燃烧方向朝北,距离理查森斯普林斯地区 1 至 1.5 英里。 The fire, currently at 1,500 acres, is burning in a Northern direction and is 1-1.5 miles away from the Richardson Springs area. 加州消防局报告称,疏散区域内有 761 座建筑物,目前尚不清楚是否有任何建筑物受损。 Cal Fire reports that there are 761 structures in the evacuation area, and it is unknown if any have been damaged.