贝尔法斯特一家商店的职员在抢劫中遭到疑似枪支威胁,嫌疑人带着钱和香烟逃跑。 Shop worker in Belfast threatened with suspected firearm during robbery, suspect fled with money and cigarettes.
周日晚上,贝尔法斯特的一名商店职员在一次“令人恐惧”的抢劫中被疑似枪支瞄准。 A shop worker in Belfast had a suspected firearm pointed at her during a 'frightening' robbery on Sunday evening. 这名嫌疑人大概 30 多岁,他进入安特里姆路的一家商店,用枪威胁店员,并索要收银机里的钱和香烟,然后带着偷来的物品徒步逃跑。 The suspect, believed to be in his mid-30s, entered the shop on Antrim Road, threatened the employee with the firearm, and demanded money from the till and cigarettes, before fleeing on foot with the stolen items.