抢劫者试图在Newtownhamilton偷盗便条,在警报被触发后逃跑。 Robber attempts shop heist with note in Newtownhamilton, flees after alarm is triggered.
一名蒙面的持刀抢劫犯试图在周五晚上在北爱尔兰纽顿哈密尔顿抢劫一家商店,向一名工作人员发一张要钱的纸条。 A masked, knife-wielding robber attempted to rob a shop in Newtownhamilton, Northern Ireland, on Friday night by handing a note demanding money to a staff member. 该雇员触发了恐慌警报,促使嫌疑人在没有任何现金的情况下逃跑。 The employee activated a panic alarm, prompting the suspect to flee without any cash. 警方正在进行调查,并正在寻找证人或任何掌握有关该事件信息的人。 Police are investigating and are seeking witnesses or anyone with information about the incident.