在贝尔法斯特,妇女被抢劫,并被用枪威胁;嫌疑人被描述,调查正在进行中。 Woman robbed and threatened with a gun in Belfast; suspect described, investigation ongoing.
一名20多岁的女子在周六下午3点10分左右, 在南贝尔法斯特Ormeau路地区遭到抢劫, A woman in her 20s was robbed and threatened with a suspected handgun in south Belfast's Ormeau Road area around 3:10 pm on Saturday. 嫌犯被描述是瘦的,身着灰色运动服底部、黑色的拉链大衣和独特的训练员,抢走了她的手提包,在用武器指着她后逃跑。 The suspect, described as thin and wearing grey tracksuit bottoms, a black zipped coat, and distinctive trainers, snatched her handbag and fled after pointing the weapon at her. 受害者短暂地追逐他,膝盖被割伤。 The victim chased him briefly and sustained a cut to her knee. 警方正在调查并寻求证人或信息。 Police are investigating and seeking witnesses or information.