捷克共和国计划为乌克兰购买弹药,对被冻结在欧盟的俄罗斯资产收取利息。 Czech Republic plans to buy ammunition for Ukraine with interest on frozen Russian assets in the EU.
捷克共和国计划利用被冻结的俄罗斯在欧盟的资产所产生的利息为乌克兰军队购买弹药,在此之前,欧盟决定使用1.4bn欧元(1.5bn)的资产利润,在俄罗斯入侵期间为乌克兰提供武器和支持。 Czech Republic plans to utilize interest generated from frozen Russian assets in the EU to purchase ammunition for Ukraine's military, following a decision by the EU to use €1.4bn ($1.5bn) in profits from the assets to provide arms and support for Ukraine amidst Russia's invasion. 这项倡议包括捷克牵头的努力,在西方伙伴的资助下,在世界各地为乌克兰购买火炮弹药。 This initiative includes the Czech-led effort to buy artillery ammunition for Ukraine worldwide, funded by Western partners. 克里姆林宫称这项计划为“偷窃”,并威胁要对参与决定的任何人采取法律行动。 The Kremlin has called this plan a "theft" and has threatened to take legal action against anyone involved in the decision.