菲律宾信用卡协会发起了一项宣传活动,旨在简化信用卡术语并提高金融知识水平。 Credit Card Association of the Philippines launches an awareness campaign to simplify credit card terminologies and improve financial literacy.
菲律宾信用卡协会(CCAP)发起了一项宣传活动,旨在简化信用卡术语,提高消费者的金融知识水平,缩小监管语言和日常理解之间的差距,并增强更好地使用信用卡的决策能力。 Credit Card Association of the Philippines (CCAP) launches awareness campaign to simplify credit card terminologies, aiming to improve consumers' financial literacy, bridge the gap between regulatory language and everyday understanding, and enhance decision-making for better use of credit cards. 该计划将通过漫画、视频等社交媒体平台多种形式分享简化术语。 The initiative will share simplified terminologies through various formats on social media platforms, including comics and videos.