巴基斯坦的信用卡市场达到85亿卢比,银行通过公司卡关注增长。 Pakistan's credit card market reaches Rs8.5 billion, with banks eyeing growth through corporate cards.
截至2024年10月,巴基斯坦的信用卡组合达到85亿卢比,约占消费者融资总额的1%。 As of October 2024, Pakistan's credit card portfolio reached Rs8.5 billion, about 1% of total consumer financing. 传统上以大众消费者为重点,金融部门认为有潜力向拥有商业信用卡的公司和中小企业扩展。 Traditionally focusing on mass consumers, the financial sector sees potential in expanding to corporate and SMEs with business credit cards. 这些卡可以帮助管理开支,提供支出控制和折扣,同时消除雇员报销问题。 These cards can help manage expenses, offering spending controls and discounts, while eliminating employee reimbursement issues. 有了金融科技的支持,银行可以使服务多样化,吸引更多的企业,增进对银行系统的信任。 With fintech support, banks can diversify offerings, attract more businesses, and boost trust in the banking system. 然而,目前只有为数不多的银行提供公司信用卡。 However, only a few banks currently offer corporate credit cards.