加拿大男子在内蒂夫哈萨拉试图刺伤以色列士兵后被枪杀,疑似恐怖袭击。 Canadian man shot dead after attempting to stab Israeli troops at Netiv Ha'asara, suspected terrorist attack.
一名加拿大男子在以色列南部城镇内蒂夫哈萨拉的入口处试图刺杀以色列士兵,随后被枪杀。 A Canadian man was shot dead after attempting to stab Israeli troops at the entrance of Netiv Ha’asara, a southern Israeli town. 袭击者持旅游签证进入以色列,已被当局制服,该事件正在作为恐怖袭击进行调查。 The attacker, who entered Israel on a tourist visa, was neutralized by authorities and the incident is being investigated as a terrorist attack.