一名加拿大男子在加沙边境附近被以色列安全人员持刀威胁致死。 Canadian man killed by Israeli security near Gaza border after threatening them with a knife.
一名加拿大男子在加沙边境附近持刀威胁以色列安全部队,随后被杀害。 A Canadian man was killed by Israeli security forces after threatening them with a knife near the Gaza border. 事件发生在以色列小镇内蒂夫哈阿萨拉的入口处,距边境以北仅 300 米。 The incident occurred at the entrance of the Israeli town of Netiv HaAsara, just 300 meters north of the border. 该男子持刀接近安全部队,导致安全部队开枪将其击毙。 The man approached the security forces with a knife, prompting them to open fire and kill him.