澳大利亚 Celsius Ballarat Pty Ltd 的一名第一年学徒遭受身体虐待和性骚扰,导致雇主罚款 10,000 澳元。 1st-year apprentice in Australia endured physical abuse and sexual harassment at Celsius Ballarat Pty Ltd, resulting in employer's A$10,000 fine.
澳大利亚一家供暖制冷安装公司的一名学徒遭受了身体虐待和性骚扰。 An apprentice suffered physical abuse and sexual harassment at a heating and cooling installation company in Australia. 这名在 Celsius Ballarat Pty Ltd 工作的一年级学徒因长期遭受工作欺凌而被吊在绳索上并用钻头戳其腹股沟。 The first-year apprentice, working for Celsius Ballarat Pty Ltd, was hung from a noose and poked with a drill in his groin as part of prolonged bullying at work. 该雇主因虐待行为被罚款 10,000 澳元(11,116 美元)。 The employer was fined A$10,000 ($11,116) over the abuse.