78 岁的前爱尔兰游泳教练德里奥罗克 (Derry O'Rourke) 因在 1989 年至 1990 年间强奸和性侵犯一名少女而被判有罪。 78-year-old former Irish swimming coach Derry O'Rourke convicted of raping and sexually assaulting a teenage girl in 1989-90.
78 岁的前爱尔兰国际游泳教练德里奥罗克因 35 年前强奸和性侵犯一名少女而被判有罪。 78-year-old former Irish international swimming coach Derry O'Rourke has been convicted of raping and sexually assaulting a teenage girl 35 years ago. 在他对 1989 年 10 月至 1990 年 6 月期间犯下的一项强奸罪和 15 项猥亵罪表示不认罪后,陪审团判定他有罪。 The jury found him guilty after he pleaded not guilty to one count of rape and 15 counts of indecent assault between October 1989 and June 1990. 奥罗克曾因类似罪行被定罪,将于 7 月 30 日接受宣判。 O'Rourke has a history of previous convictions for similar offences and is due to be sentenced on July 30.