53 岁的加拿大劳工部长 Seamus O'Regan 因家庭原因辞去内阁职务,不会在下届联邦选举中寻求连任。 53-year-old Canadian Labour Minister Seamus O'Regan resigns from cabinet due to family reasons; won't seek re-election in next federal election.
加拿大劳工部长谢默斯·奥里根(Seamus O'Regan)因家庭原因辞去内阁职务。 Canadian Labour Minister Seamus O'Regan has resigned from the cabinet due to family reasons. 这位 53 岁的议员自 2017 年起成为加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多的内阁成员,他将留任议会直到下届联邦选举,但不会寻求连任。 The 53-year-old MP, who has been part of PM Justin Trudeau's cabinet since 2017, will remain in Parliament until the next federal election but will not seek re-election. 奥里根曾担任过多个职务,包括自然资源、原住民服务、退伍军人事务以及最近的劳工事务。 O'Regan has held various portfolios, including natural resources, Indigenous services, veterans affairs, and most recently, labour.