魁北克高等法院法官埃里克·杜福尔(Éric Dufour)拒绝了康考迪亚大学暂停提高省外和国际学生学费的请求。 Quebec Superior Court Judge Éric Dufour denied Concordia University's request to suspend the tuition increase for out-of-province and international students.
魁北克高等法院法官埃里克·杜福尔 (Éric Dufour) 驳回了康考迪亚大学提出的暂停魁北克政府规定的针对省外和国际学生的学费上涨的请求。 Quebec Superior Court Judge Éric Dufour rejected Concordia University's request for a temporary suspension of the tuition increase mandated by the Quebec government for out-of-province and international students. 法官裁定,虽然康考迪亚大学提出了严重问题,但并未表现出明显的侵犯权利行为,给大学带来的不便并未超过对公共利益的损害。 The judge ruled that while Concordia raised serious issues, it did not demonstrate a clear violation of rights and the inconvenience to the university did not outweigh the harm to public interest. 学费上涨将于今年秋季开始,省外学生的学费将增加30%,即每年约12,000美元。 The tuition increase, set to begin this fall, will see out-of-province students pay 30% more in tuition, around $12,000 a year.