尽管咨询委员会对入学机会和吸引力表示担忧,但魁北克政府仍将加拿大省外学生的学费提高 30%。 Quebec gov't increases out-of-province Canadian students' tuition by 30%, despite advisory committee concerns about access and attractiveness.
魁北克政府正在实施将加拿大省外学生的学费提高约 30% 的计划。 The Quebec government is proceeding with plans to increase tuition fees for out-of-province Canadian students by around 30%. 尽管咨询委员会在一封信中表达了对受教育机会和该省对有才华的年轻人的整体吸引力的潜在负面影响的担忧,但仍采取了这一举措。 This move is being made despite a letter from an advisory committee expressing concerns about the potential negative impact on access to education and the province's overall attractiveness to talented young individuals.