欧洲理事会批准与亚美尼亚启动签证自由化谈判的提议。 European Council approves proposal to initiate visa liberalization talks with Armenia.
欧洲理事会批准了欧盟委员会提出的与亚美尼亚就签证自由化进行谈判的提议,这标志着一个可能需要数年才能完成的进程的开始。 The European Council has approved the European Commission's proposal to start talks on visa liberalization with Armenia, marking the beginning of a process that could take years to complete. 欧盟将与亚美尼亚政府提出“签证自由化对话”行动计划,涵盖从证件安全到边境管制等主题。 The EU will present an action plan for the "visa liberalization dialogue" with the Armenian government, covering topics from document security to border control.