普莱森顿警方警告称,夜间郊狼活动增多导致猫死亡;建议宠物主人将猫留在室内。 Pleasanton police warn of increased coyote activity causing deceased cats at night; advise pet owners to keep cats indoors.
普莱森顿警方警告称,郊狼活动增多,导致猫死亡,尤其是在夜间。 Pleasanton police warn of increased coyote activity leading to deceased cats, primarily during night hours. 建议宠物主人晚上将猫留在室内,以防止郊狼和意外事故的危险。 Pet owners advised to keep cats indoors at night due to danger from coyotes and accidents. 发现郊狼的情况应报告给加州鱼类和野生动物管理局的事件报告系统。 Coyote encounters should be reported to California Department of Fish and Wildlife's incident reporting system. 警方鼓励与野生动物共存,如果宠物失踪应通知他们。 Police encourage coexistence with wild animals and to notify them if a pet goes missing.