芝加哥麦考密克展览中心湖畔中心对窗户进行了改造,贴上点状薄膜,以防止鸟击。 Chicago's McCormick Place Lakeside Center modifies windows with dot film to prevent bird strikes.
去年秋天的一个晚上,数百只鸣禽撞上了芝加哥麦考密克展览中心湖畔中心的大楼,为此,该中心对窗户进行了改造,贴上了刻有微小圆点的薄膜,以防止鸟击。 Chicago's McCormick Place Lakeside Center is modifying its windows with film etched with tiny dots to prevent bird strikes after hundreds of songbirds crashed into the building in one night last fall. 这个耗资 120 万美元的项目旨在帮助鸟类区分窗户和大自然,因为鸟类看不到透明或反光的玻璃,而且经常被建筑物的灯光所吸引和混淆。 The $1.2 million project aims to help birds distinguish between windows and nature, as birds don't see clear or reflective glass and are often attracted to and confused by building lights. 预计该项工作将于 9 月初完成,以赶在秋季迁徙之前完成。 The work is expected to be completed by early September, ahead of fall migrations.