纽约上诉法院命令,将有关性别认同和怀孕结果的“平等权利”修正案列入11月选票。 New York's Court of Appeals orders "equal rights" amendment addressing gender identity and pregnancy outcomes to appear on November ballot.
纽约上诉法院裁定,一项针对基于性别认同和怀孕结果的歧视的州宪法修正案提案将出现在11月的选票上。 New York's Court of Appeals has ruled that a proposed amendment to the state constitution addressing discrimination on the basis of gender identity and pregnancy outcomes will appear on the November ballot. 民主党希望将“平等权利”修正案与堕胎权联系起来,以提高投票率,而共和党则制定策略,反对该修正案可能为跨性别者提供的保护。 The Democrats hope the "equal rights" amendment will drive voter turnout by associating it with abortion rights, while Republicans strategize to rally against the protections it may offer to transgender people.