加纳最高法院维持同性恋的刑事定罪,拒绝外国法律影响。 Ghana Supreme Court upholds criminalization of homosexuality, rejecting foreign law influence.
加纳最高法院维持对同性恋的刑事定罪,指出外国法律在该国不适用。 Ghana's Supreme Court upheld the criminalization of homosexuality, stating foreign laws do not apply in the country. 法院驳回了对将同性恋定罪的法律是否符合宪法提出质疑的诉讼,辩称1960年《刑事犯罪法》没有违反1992年《宪法》。 The court rejected a suit challenging the constitutionality of laws criminalizing homosexuality, arguing that the 1960 Criminal Offences Act does not violate the 1992 Constitution. 法院驳回了基于外国法律的论点,强调必须维护加纳的价值观、家庭利益和儿童权利。 The court dismissed arguments based on foreign laws and emphasized the need to uphold Ghana's values, family interests, and the rights of children.