居住在风景优美街区的伦敦居民面临着受 Instagram 影响的游客行为的挑战。 London residents in scenic neighborhoods face challenges from tourist behavior influenced by Instagram.
诺丁山等风景如画的伦敦街区的居民对他们在 Instagram 上出名的房屋有着复杂的感情。 Residents of picturesque London neighborhoods, like Notting Hill, have complicated feelings about their Instagram-famous homes. 艾丽斯·约翰斯顿是波多贝罗路的长期居民,她目睹了游客为了拍摄完美照片而做出的怪异行为。 Alice Johnston, a longtime resident of Portobello Road, has witnessed bizarre behavior from tourists seeking the perfect snapshot. 社交媒体改变了在风景名胜区生活的体验,曾有游客要求“借”一只狗来拍照。 Social media has changed the experience of living in a scenic location, with one incident involving a tourist asking to "borrow" a dog for a photo.