Rich London居民抱怨新的“爱岛”别墅与历史区域发生冲突, Rich London residents complain new 'Love Island' villa clashes with historic area, sparking planning rule scrutiny.
伦敦北部一条富裕的街道上的居民正在批评一所新翻修的房屋, 将它与“爱岛”别墅相提并论, 因为它的灯光和设计很明亮, Residents on an affluent north London street are criticizing a newly renovated house, likening it to the "Love Island" villa due to its bright lights and design, which they say stands out in their conservation area. 邻居声称他们在对住宅稍作改动时面临困难,而理事会则调查可能违反规划规则的行为。 Neighbors claim they face difficulties making minor changes to their homes, while the council investigates potential planning rule violations. 房主没有作出评论。 The homeowner did not comment.