芝加哥两名妇女和克利夫兰一名警察在七月四日的枪击事件中丧生。 2 women in Chicago and a police officer in Cleveland were killed in July Fourth shootings.
七月四日枪击事件中的遇难者包括芝加哥的两名妇女和克利夫兰的一名警察。 2 women in Chicago and a police officer in Cleveland were among those killed in July Fourth shootings. 芝加哥枪击案发生在一所民宅内,造成三名儿童重伤,而克利夫兰警官在执行逮捕令时死亡。 The Chicago shooting occurred in a home and left three children critically injured, while the Cleveland officer died during a warrant service. 此外,一名武装人员在黄石国家公园遭到枪击。 Additionally, an armed person was shot in Yellowstone National Park.