佩里·戈索因其终身服务而被授予蒂尔森堡年度公民称号。 Perry Gosso honored as Tillsonburg's Citizen of the Year for lifetime service.
佩里·戈索因其一生为该镇及其居民做出的贡献而被授予蒂尔森堡年度公民称号。 Perry Gosso was honored as Tillsonburg's Citizen of the Year for his lifetime of service to the town and its residents. 戈索因其奉献精神、同情心和乐于助人的精神而于 6 月 26 日在蒂尔森堡社区中心的狮子窝接受了该奖项。 Recognized for his dedication, compassion, and willingness to help, Gosso was presented the award on June 26th at the Lions Den in the Tillsonburg Community Centre.